What Do You Miss??

Since I started working, my life changed a bit. Then when I got married it changed a lot, well I’m not complaining!! Everything is perfect, but instead of getting taken care of you’re the one who’s taking care of someone. There are lots of stuff that I miss when I was a student or even…

Is It Too Late??

I have been postponing this for so long, a dream of finishing my degree. I got busy with work that I almost forgot all about it.. there was a moment when I thought that it was too late. Getting busy with work was an excuse, maybe I was trying to escape from it I wasn’t…

Who Said Vacation?

Life isn’t that easy, specially when you get older. Your responsibilities are more, I can remember when I was younger didn’t care that much about anything specially when I was a student. Life was fun and fun only, but after you graduate things change. Lots of changes happen and your priorities too, fun will be…

Have You Tried It??

     Don’t you hate it when people or your friends judge food without trying it? I think the answer is obvious, yes. Me my self hate it specially when that friend tried it and almost ate your plate, and suddenly when you ask them lets grab a bite from that place and the answer…

What to Do?

When I look back at my teenage years, the worst thing I did was smoking or stealing my dad’s car.. Having a cup of coffee was the best, you think that you became an adult!! Every song was talking about you and your problems, me and my friends gather and try to explain the lyrics…

Didn’t I Tell You?

On the 20th of May,  me and my friend were planning to go together to the airport. My wife is finally coming, I was happy to see her after 2 months of being alone. She was arriving at 10:30 am, so we decided to take off before an hour of her arrival. She called me…


     Before I came here, my friend was telling me to be prepared for the bad weather. I thought he was kidding, and told him yeah I’m ready don’t worry about that. So I showed him what I got, my coat and shoes. He started laughing and told me that wouldn’t work, you need…


Its been two months since I moved here, i have been busy to get my self together. I got my apartment, and was busy looking for furniture and you know the story.. that it took me a month to get a couch with the color my wife agreed on. Then came the school fun with…

Did You Know?

  Arabic Coffee is an old tradition and habit of the Arab people as most people around the world. It’s their favorite beverage on a daily basis. Back in the old days it used to show a lot about people. It gives signs of generosity and hospitality because it was rare and so expensive and…

Isn’t that Red?

It’s been almost two months since I moved here, it’s been like yesterday. I remember the first day I arrived so excited and thrilled, it is a new adventure and experience.. So my friend picked me up from  JFK airport and I think he was excited too, all the way from the airport he was…