The News Makes Me Lose Faith In Humanity

I used to be all about reading the news on a daily basis, but lately, I just find myself wondering what is wrong with people today! Between the horrible news stories and the outright ridiculous news stories, I just don’t want to know what’s going on in the world anymore. If you don’t know what…

Disconnect…A Real Life Horror Movie

First, let me start by thanking the class for choosing to watch this movie. Not just because I enjoyed it, but because I have been missing Alexander Skarsgård since the last True Blood season ended! (For any other True Blood fans, the new season starts June 16!) All joking aside, I really enjoyed the movie. In…

A Little Media Industry Insight

I’ve interned, freelanced, and worked within the media industry for almost three years now and I can’t tell you how many different career paths there are to choose from! I originally went to college to study Production thinking I could someday work on the set of a popular TV show or maybe even a Hollywood…

Online Shopping vs. New York City

I find humor in the fact that New York City is considered one of the best shopping destinations in the world yet I loath shopping here. I usually save up all of the things I need to buy for a weekend when I go back home upstate, just so I can avoid shopping here instead….

All Women Stalk: I’m A Freelance Writer

As I’ve mentioned before, I am a freelance writer for a women’s website called All Women Stalk. The website utilizes the allure of list-format articles pertaining to everything from love to movies. I have been a writer for them for the last 7 months and have written over 130 articles in that time. I’ve decided…

Secret Menu Items You Can Order!

Believe it or not, almost any restaurant you can think of has a secret menu made up of special items that are often created by innovative and loyal customers. It’s one of the more interesting things I’ve learned on the Internet in recent weeks but haven’t actually tried out any of these yet. So if…

Leaving Behind My Empire State of Mind

My lease expires at the end of April, and I’ve made the tough decision to move outside of NYC after living here for almost 5 years. Now that it’s less then 2 months away, it’s becoming more of a bittersweet move to look forward to because there are so many things I’ve loved about living in the city, as well as…


Pescetarianism (pron.: /ˌpɛskɨˈtɛəriən/) (also spelled pescatarianism) is the practice of a diet that includes seafood but not the flesh of other animals. A pescetarian diet shares many of its components with a vegetarian diet and includes vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, eggs, and dairy, but unlike a vegetarian diet also includes fish and shellfish. (source: wikipedia)…

Things I Learned in Canada

This past week, I traveled up to “The Great White North”, also known as Canada. My family and I travel there every year for a ski/snowboard vacation, and every year I love going more and more. I also find that each year I go, I learn more and more about Canada and I’ve honestly fallen…